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Everyone recognizes the reality of big corruption, in big governments (not limited to any specific country).  Almost everyone recognizes big corruption, in big corporations—including big tech (the few who don’t see big corruption, are probably the CEO’s).  Many recognize big corruption, in big media.  Quite a few recognize big corruption, in big religions.

Nevertheless, when it comes to corruption in the field of science—NO, THERE IS NO CORRUPTION AT ALL!!!  What?!?  Why not?  Just like all the other corrupt organizations: science institutions are run by humans, with personal agendas, and with the same motivations for corruption: money, power, influence, and being too proud or stubborn to admit being wrong, or change, etc.  The truth is that big corruption in big science is probably worse—than the corruption in various governments, corporations, and religions.

Many theistic scientists go right along with the conclusions of mainstream science, which is driven especially by atheistic science (sheer materialism, naturalism).  But if you leave God out of the equation, you will NEVER get science right (or anywhere close to right): because the BIGGEST part of REALITY—the INFINITE GOD—is left completely out of the equation!

NOTE: Mainstream science does indeed leave God out of the equation, even though it promotes the existence of the “God particle” (Higgs boson); many scientists do not like this name for the Higgs boson, and they say that it’s a misnomer.

Corruption in science has been a major contributing factor—quite possibly the biggest factor—in all the skepticism and atheism, that is currently flooding the world: therefore, BEFORE Jesus returns, God needs to expose the massive corruption in the: “… false knowledge that is called science;” (1 Timothy 6:20, AFV).  So this must happen soon, and rapidly; scientific controversies cannot continue to drag on and on, for decades, like it has been so far.  God has a plan, to pull the rug out from under the modern so-called scientists.  And then the whole world will see, that God’s word hit the nail squarely on the head: “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” (Psalm 14:1; 53:1).

There is a recent video, from Sabine Hossenfelder, that exposes some of the major corruption in mainstream science.  She is widely known in the scientific community, and has a successful YouTube channel (with millions of viewers / subscribers); yet she is not a Christian, or trying to promote Bible truths.  Nevertheless, she has enough Christian principles—unlike most in mainstream science—to put truth above wealth (being right is more important than being rich, etc). 

Here is a quote, from the video: “It’s a story that physicists have made up that they’re now selling to the public.  Because they think that once they have the money it doesn’t really matter if they deliver what they promised. … What’s that good for?  It’s good for keeping particle physicists employed.  Because some of them have families and it’d be unfair if they had to do something useful for their income wouldn’t it. … That particle physicists have created these bubbles of useless research is not a problem that can be fixed from inside the community.  The only way to fix the problem is to stop paying them. … And it makes me glad that I no longer have anything to do with this so-called research area that is rotten to the core. … Your [scientist] problem is that you are lying to the people who pay you.  Your problem is that you’re cowards without a shred of scientific integrity.” (5:00 to 7:30; titled “I was asked to keep this confidential”; published on February 15, 2025).

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