Can you distinguish between Bible Scholars, and Babel Skeptics?

There are countless so-called “Bible Scholars” out there, and some of them are highly educated.  But no amount of education, by itself, can make anyone a genuine Bible Scholar; many, who claim to be Bible Scholars, are actually Babel Skeptics.  True Bible Scholars understand that the entire Bible is a DIVINE REVELATION; on the other hand, Babel Skeptics think that the Bible is a HUMAN COMPILATION.

The Bible is unlike any other book; the Bible is designed so that the MORE FAITH you have in God and His word, the MORE you will understand it—and the LESS FAITH you have, the LESS you will understand it.  This fact is even stated, repeatedly, in the Bible (*); yet many of the educated “Bible Scholars” don’t even know that this fact is stated, in the Bible—much less do they understand and apply this fact, in their own lives and teachings about the Bible.
* Psalm 25:14; Proverbs 4:18,19; Isaiah 8:13-20; 28:7-16; 59:1-21; 66:4,5; Jeremiah 13:15,16; Ezekiel 3:20; Matthew 6:22,23; Luke 20:17-19; John 11:9,10; 12:35-46; Romans 10:1-21; 1 Corinthians 1:17-31; 2:1-16; 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12; James 2:18; Hebrew 3:7-19; 1 Peter 2:6-8; etc.

This entire website, and especially this specific landing page, is dedicated to drawing an extremely clear and unmistakable line between genuine Bible Scholars—who have implicit faith in God and His word—and the Babel Skeptics, who are literally HELL-bent on casting doubts about the reliability of the Bible.

7GRAILS will go beyond the typical Christian apologetics, that have existed for centuries—including the current and seemingly endless controversies, and debates, etc.  7GRAILS will bring an END to the controversies, and debates, by making the truth so clear: that there will be nothing left to bring against it.  In fact, this HAS TO HAPPEN—and it will happen—before the second coming of Jesus Christ.  Do you want to see an end to the terrible disease, suffering, sadness, and death in this corrupt world?  Of course you do!  And you can help it end, very quickly, by referring the Babel Skeptics (and others) to this website.

There is already one great example, that can be seen on this website (and many more are coming soon): Donkey-Gate has been solved; and it is now so obvious that Matthew was RIGHT, about the TWO donkeys—one for Christ, and one for His bride—from now on, the Babel Skeptics will be forced to change their story about Matthew being wrong, or they will just try to ignore and hide from the whole thing.  See the picture, below; and see the following link, for the Donkey-Gate documentation:

Stay tuned, coming soon, the most comprehensive and irrefutable evidence yet: exposing the Babel Skeptics, and proving that the Bible is ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE!!

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