Did you know that the parables of Jesus were true stories, which are mentioned somewhere else in the Bible?  Some of the parables even happened, while Jesus was living on earth (for example, His own wedding was told in the parable of the ten virgins; see Part 0 and Part 1, of the literal grail series).

Also, Jesus and His 12 disciples were related to other people, mentioned in the Bible: some of those relationships are stated directly—such as Mary, the mother of Jesus; also, James and John were brothers (see Matthew 1:18; 2:11; 4:21; 10:2; 17:1; 13:53-55; Acts 1:14; etc).  However, many of the relationships are not stated directly; they are hidden truths, designed to be found—the symbolic grail, of who’s who?  The book of GeneSIS has a lot of genealogy, as well as other places in the Bible; for example, the ancestry of Jesus (see Matthew 1:1-17; LUKE 3:23-38).

“GeneSIS” refers not only to the first book in the Bible, it also has two embedded words: “Gene” and “SIS”; the first is the root word, for “genetics” and “genealogy”—and the second is short for “SISter” (the GeneSIS category includes all family relationships, not merely sisters).  Do you know who the SISters of Jesus were, BY NAME??  Stay tuned, to learn all about their real names—and other details that are recorded in the Bible, about them.

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