A = ARCHaeology
See below, for the sneak preview; the full version is coming on March 22, 2025.
Galilee SEE—The Lake’s Great Fakes:
Capernaum, Chorazin, Bethsaida; Loaves, Pigs, Sermon
Come to the SEA of Galilee, and SEE the great lake’s great fakes—see these six fake biblical sites: Capernaum (Christ’s Galilee headquarters); Chorazin (one of the three cursed cities); Bethsaida (home of three disciples); Tabgha (5 loaves, feeding of 5,000); Kursi (2 demoniacs, and 2,000 pigs); and Beatitudes (Sermon on the Mount). All six of these traditional sites are fake; this article will not only show why all six are false, but it will also show where the true sites are located.
See also the picture, near the bottom of this page. All six of the traditional sites are fake (“x” marks the spot); the PDF article will not only show why all six are false (shown in red, on the picture below), but it will also show where the true sites are located (shown in green).
A. Six Fake Sites
A1. Outline of the Lake’s Great Fakes [You are here]
A2. Acronym: M.E.E.T a.t. G.R.A.V.E.Y.A.R.D.S.
B. Capernaum: “A City Built on a Hill”
B1. The Only Evidence for Tell Hum
B2. Khirbat al-Minya, and Tell Kinneret
B3. Capernaum Was at Three Borders!!!
B4. Zebulun Territory, at the Galilee Sea
B5. Was Tiberius in Naphtali Territory?
B6. Jesus Is the Light on a Hill
B7. Capernaum Is Still BURIED!
C. Woe to Chorazin and Bethsaida
C1. Fake Capernaum Is True Chorazin
C2. Three Disciples from Four Bethsaidas????
D. 5,000 Men Feeding
D1. How Far Is 30 Furlongs?
D2. Jesus Forgot Where Capernaum Was At?
E. 2,000 Pigs Feeding (and 4,000 Men)
F. Arbel Means: “Divine Night”
F1. The Sermon on Which Mount?
F2. The Triple Tower at Magdala
G. GeoGRAPHy Acronym: Specific Examples
G1. Marker, East, Elevation, Two
G2. Access, Treasures
G3. Graves, Resources, Audio, Views, Enemies
G4. Years, Artifacts, Read, Distance, Spirit
H. Capernaum Is Hidden from the “Wise”
APPENDIX: Distance Destroys Doubt

NASA Satellite Image
(text added)
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