This page is the place to check, for various UP-dates: including significant news,
major changes or additions to any of the web pages, and the publication of any new articles.

As the title indicates, the “Latest UP-dates” will be at the top of the list (UP);
and each new UP-date will have a “date” listed with the title, for that UP-date.

For those who are new to this page, if you want to read the UP-dates in order:
start at the bottom of the page, and then read UP (to the top).

Also, our X account (Twitter) also announces the publication of new articles,
whenever they are published on this website (click the “X” below).

MARCH 6, 2025: PART 0 eBook Download

UP-date #3.  9:36am, Part 0 eBook (PDF) is available for download (click here).

FEBRUARY 15, 2025: Read Faster!

UP-date #2.  For those who want to increase their reading comprehension, and speed, please read the webpage titled “Reading Tips” (click here).

FEBRUARY 14, 2025: 7GRAILS Website

UP-date #1.  The website is now officially opened; please watch for the first four articles coming soon (in March and April, 2025).  For now, each of the four articles has a sneak preview (links below).

Part 0: Introduction to the Seven Literal Grail Truths (on March 6, 2025)

Galilee SEE—The Lake’s Great Fakes (in March, 2025)

Advantages of Biblical CHRonology (on March 29, 2025)

Part 1: Christ’s Literal Wedding, in Song of Songs (in April, 2025)

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